Friday, August 18, 2006


I don't know why, but I love watching people. When I go shopping with Peta, thats usually my best chance to just stand there watching people. She's in the shop, looking at every possible item........TWICE, and I just quietly meander back out the door and wait out the front of the shop against the railing, watching people. Its an amazing time, wondering what people are thinking about, do they realise someone is watching them closely in amongst all of this hectic activity, what has been happening in their life to get them to this point, what happened in the past that could possibly have led them to have that haircut, or wear those clothes..... At these times I often see some strange things, and then start little experiments to watch other 'like' people to see if they all do that same strange thing. For example in Europe recently, I discovered that 'generally' (of course the odd exception may occur) girls drink out of a bottle differently to guys. I saw one girl sucking whilst drinking the water, so the bottle was ridiculously squashing in as she drank. Then I thought, oh my, I wonder if other people drink like that, and do you know what, HEAPS of girls started just sucking bottles. Its like I'd never noticed it before, even people back here in Hong Kong. In fact I can't stop it, I notice it everywhere now, its CRAZY!! So anyway, I had to watch guys to see how they did it, and you would not believe it, but most guys DON'T SUCK. They tilt the bottle and let the water flow in, but leave an air hole so the bottle doesn't suck in. Its quite fascinating, and an amazing piece of research in my opinion...... so here are some strange anomolies I've seen or heard around the traps;

* more people than you think almost collide whilst walking along corridors, footpaths etc... doing that, 'dodge one way and then the other' thing, where neither knows which way you want to go, until eventually you just embarrassingly say sorry and pass on by
* when there's a spare seat next to an adult (usually male) a kid will almost never sit in it
* chivalry (especially in HK) is very close to dead - particularly holding a door for someone, loading onto buses, helping a lady with her pram up stairs
* nude sun-bakers always put their bikinis back on to go for a swim - why bother??
* women are almost always more attracted to, and more likely to goo-gar over babies than men (even ugly ones), they just can't seem to help themselves
* the better people know each other, the more they don't look at each other when they're talking
* old people don't seem to be bothered at all, by not doing A THING all day EVERYDAY
* many people use 'up' and 'down' totally wrong eg.. someone from Melbourne says 'I went down to Sydney' when actually Sydney is clearly, geographically, above Melbourne - or 'I went up to my brothers house' when actually the brothers house is closer to the bottom of the hill
* a guy with no legs, and no wheelchair, in Rome was begging on a side-walk......then an hour later we saw the same guy about a mile away, begging on a different side-walk - WHAT THE??
* more than 75% of the people you see taking photos, take FAR too long to actually press the button


Blogger Tom Read said...

haha, what a great post. Yup, Jacinta sucks water out of a bottle, whereas I let it flow out...why is that? The other one that is so true is the one about people who know each other well not looking at each other.

I love people watching too and trying to figure people out...we should do it together sometime :)

4:11 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Ever got into trouble when looking at people?

I'm all for people watching, especially at airports. For some reason I always look at chinese people who speak really good english... dunno why!

11:29 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Ma said...

As for the guy with no leg and no wheel chair, he probably speed crawled with his arms! I'm sure he's got some big arm muscles.

7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Posts like this amaze me, cause i read them and think, 'wow, that is so true.'... i must admit, i love people watching, i could sit in a cafe in Albert Park and watch people go by all day...i am going to look out for things...incidently, your sister drinks like a guy!! tilt and flow girl as she says!!

11:18 PM  
Blogger Little Sis said...

Classic Blog Punky!! Love it. I'm a MASSIVE people watcher but I always get sprung and I do that weird half smile and look down thing. You know the one where you don't smile so broadly so as to extract a response just a "I know you know I'm looking at you and you caught me" smile.....funny. Yes, Killer caught me drinking out my bottle while reading your blog - I'm an exception to the rule. Tilt and flow!

11:25 PM  
Blogger Sounds Of Wood said...

Na man, wors Broon Ale flows straight out! Belter!

10:06 AM  
Blogger HeidiHeidiJoy said...

Hilarious. My favorite comment in your blog was the first one...about Peta looking at everything in the store - TWICE. That is SOOOOOOOOOO me. And Aaron is never impressed by this SKILL.

7:13 PM  
Blogger Simon said...

Can't believe I have only just seen the latest posts on your blog. Have got your blog in my favorites but I just realised it goes only to the june archive and not too your newest ones. I couldn't understand why you weren't updating especially when you were so keen for me and Nanco too. SPANKER!!!! (me that is!)Must of had the same brain wave with those ponderbles too, I have only just seen your post but did a similiar one on my blog. Hehe.

9:30 PM  
Blogger Derek said...

nice post.... so true.

wanna eat krispy kreme sometime? heehee!

6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're nuts. sucking bottles!
Why do 'goths' who always say that they are 'alternative' always wear the same rubbish black clothes?

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and why can i not spell my name correctly!>!?

8:01 PM  
Blogger Matthew said...

ha classic reidy!!

8:53 PM  
Blogger Simon said...

Yeah the people that don't look at each other can't believe that they gave each other the time of day when they first met them......maybe!!. Come on again. Your so good at this you could do this for a living. Your insight into the 'hidden' aspects of human society is amazing. Love it!!! So go again soon.( No pressure, lol)

7:49 AM  
Blogger Nat said...

I love this post:):):) CLASSIC. Yes, I love the up down one...really annoys me!!! Counting down the days til you guys come:):):) Tell Peta I am continuously driving up and down Laburnum St JUST to make it FEEL like I am near her:):)

6:56 AM  

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