Thursday, May 11, 2006


So blogging seems to be the go at the mo'. It does seem to be nice way to document one's thoughts and ideas. I often wonder about the things that are popular here in HK, whether its the same back in Aus. Is blogging a mad craze in Aus? Does everyone sit around in cafes with their powerbooks open on their laps in Aus? Alot has changed if thats the case. When we came to HK mid 2003, the 'AUS CRAZE' was to think of as many DIY jobs around your house, to add as much value to your house as you could, whilst spending as little money as possible on it.............all of which meant that most people spent their weekends at Bunnings. I don't think I'd even seen a mac computer before coming to HK. Now here I am...


Blogger Matthew said...

chuckle chuckle...........sorry amy, I'm just warming up you know!! Don't want to go out too hard at the start...

6:52 PM  
Blogger HeidiHeidiJoy said...

THAT IS SOOOO funny. It's got a few sentences in it :)

2:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a classic! I remember being dragged to Bunnings on Saturday mornings by my parents:)

6:56 PM  
Blogger Sounds Of Wood said...


8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

being the totally up-with-it person I am (cough cough), I can assure you that more Aussies will be spending their time at Bunnings than blogging......I think when it comes to all things internet Asian countries will be far ahead of us lazy arse Australians

11:02 PM  
Blogger Tom Read said...

Matty...I'm glad that Hongers is rubbing off on you. Nature and home improvement is over-rated. Long live the mac. Welcome to the revolution :)

7:41 AM  

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